Ekaterina Yurievna Dogadailo

Ekaterina Yurievna Dogadailo

Ekaterina Yurievna Dogadailo, Candidate of Juridical Science; Docent, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

E.Yu. Dogadailo is the Deputy Chair of the Chair of State Construction and Law at the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (usually referred to as RANEPA); candidate of juridical science, docent. She has been working as a lecturer for 18 years. Her scientific interests include problems of philosophy of law, theory of state and law, specifically the role of law in socio-normative system of the society, elements and connections within the legal framework of the Russian Federation. A special attention is paid to questions of correspondence between time and law: temporal legal characteristics of socio-normative aspects of the society, manifestations of different forms of time in legal framework, as well as how different properties of time appear in legal framework (time constraints as a juridical structure, timeliness, legal time fictions, philosophical and logical basis for the analysis of modern legal methods used in time fixation and time management in social life, time duration as an attribute of the form of law). The author published about 50 research papers with the overall volume of more than 40 printer’s sheets, for example: «Legal Framework: Methodological Problems of the Category of Theory of Law” (Moscow, 2004); «Time, Law and Social Life» (magazine “Natsionalnye interesy” [National Interests], N 2(37) 2005); «Time Constraints in the Russian Law: on Normative Fixation of Legal Methods of Time Compliance» (Moscow, 2006); «Philosophical and Logical Basis for Analysis of Modern Legal Methods of Time Fixation and Time Management in Social Life» (Moscow, 2006); «Legal Framework and Time: on Legal Methods of Time Management» (Nauchno-prakticheskii zhurnal Severo-Kavkazskii yuridicheskii vestnik [Science and Practice Magazine North Caucasian Juridical Herald]. 2006, N 1); «Timeliness in the Russian Law (on formal juridical methods of submission of human behaviour to time)» (Pravo i obrazovanie [Law and Education]. 2006, N 7-8); » Time Manifestation Forms in Legal Framework of the Russian Federation» (Pravo i politika [Law and Politics] 2007, N 6); «Problems of Implementing Length of Existence as an Attribute of the Form of Law» (Moscow, 2007); «Legal Fictions as a Special Technique of Using Properties of Time in Legal Framework» (Moscow, 2008), and other papers. The author also published academic and methodological works with the volume of more than 20 printer’s sheets.